Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rain down... all around the world we're singing, RAIN DOWN!

It's raining cats and dogs now, I came home late last night and had a wonderful sleep after all the sweet presence of God and many salvations in Cozycott. I smiled to myself after I woke up, knowing that this coming Sunday is going to be another significant day in Heart of God Church :)

This week, I witnessed many lives changed and given to God,
...how God's love for us is unconditional and never changing
...how your care and concern can touch a person's life

...how your smile can bring so much joy to yourself and to others
...how important you are to Him
...seeing someone's life turning to God

It's amazing being a Christian and I have never regretted being one in HOGC!

Today, I spent the day with my family, having dinner with them.
I felt so bad being out the whole day and seldom get to see them for the past one to two weeks.
But today, it's a family day and I really enjoyed spending time with them and hearing my dad's lame jokes. haha. I admit my dad can be quite good at cheering me up sometimes :)
I really love them very much. This family love is what you can never get else where.
I will treasure it with all my heart :)

I am beginning to love my life even more each day.


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